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Factory: 01 (Kazi Printing & Accessories)

All kind of Inlay card ,
 Photo card,
 Inlay Tag,
 Hang Tag
 Insert card ,
 Product description card,
 Compliment card,
 Barcode Sticker,
 Carton Sticker,
 Size Sticker,
 Transparent Sticker,
 Round Sticker,
 Satin label,
 Paper label,
 Woven label
 Shipping marks and
 Logo etc.

Factory: 02 & 03 (Prime Box & Kazi Packaging)

All kinds of
 Carton,
 Board,
 Stiffener,
 Back board and
 Hanger
 Poly
 Neck board etc.

Our Products

Kazi Group of Industries